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Connekkt Solutions v.20 - Website Update

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for your business and allowing me to work with you to capture and create great works of art. Every project I've worked on so far has been met with great customers and I honestly can't ask for more.

So, I'm proud to present and bring you Connekkt Solutions v2.0. Its a little to late to call this a new kickoff 2018 version. But, I'ts new, It's improved, and I promise you, it will continue to grow. New content, new services, and an all new blog. Unlike our last site, I'm going to just use one blog. This will include all news and shout-outs, all new upcoming events, all "major" site updates will also be posted here, as well as all current or past projects from here on out.

I'm going to leave commenting open for 'most' of the blogs. And invite you (my community) to add some feedback on things that you see, want, or want to know more. There are several other areas on this website I will be putting up in the next few days, so make sure you check back often.



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